December 3, 2013

November Randoms

I didn't want to steal the thunder from my November gratitude posts so I didn't post anything else last month. I have to be honest, I wrote all those posts in one day at the beginning of the month and then randomly chose what days and times they were posted and then I never gave them a second thought. And it was SO nice to not post anything at all last month. I see why people get busy and put their blogs on the back burner- it was nice to have one less thing to worry about. But I refuse to stop blogging. I want this blog for my kids and I don't ever want to have to play catch up and try to go back and remember events and feelings and the little funnies that happen so it's easier for me to just blog those things as they happen. So here are our November randoms.

Kendrick and I started a new favorite fall tradition of puzzle date nights. We order food, put on a good movie we've already seen and get busy...on a puzzle! We completed a few huge puzzles this month. Here are two of my favorites that we did...

1,000 mother lovin' pieces. This bad boy took awhile.
For the first 10 years of our marriage I detested puzzles. Kendrick would ask and I would refuse to do a puzzle with him. So the fact that I HELPED put this bad boy together with a smile on my face is a BIG deal. Give credit where credit is due please.
Some cute girls in my ward and I started a mini playgoup and we switch off going to each others houses once a week. One day we opted to go to Wheeler Farm. It was a very blustery and cold day but the kids had a blast.

I was able to help in the twins class with their First Grade Thanksgiving feast and it was just about the cutest thing I had ever seen. Their teacher is so fun and she went all out trying to make the feast look legit.

It was a busy month for my little ladies men (if you couldn't tell by all the pictures of Easton and Emzli from Wheeler Farm) and we were able to have a playdate with one of Myles' favorite lady friends, Avea at the begining of the month. Then about a week later he brought home this picture from another favorite lady friend, Miah.

"Orange pumpkin I will grow. You will be my sweetheart."
For Kendrick's 36th Birthday I took him to Park City. It had been 3 years since Kendrick and I last took a night away from the kids and it was so so so nice to get away. Park City is very romantic and enchanting this time of year and we had a blast eating at Cisero's on Main Street, swimming in the hotel pool, watching When Harry Met Sally in front of our crackling fire and then enjoying a relaxing morning feast without the kids. I should have got a lot more pictures but I guess the lack of pictures proves that we were too busy having fun.

Kendrick was kind and bought me a new beanie on his Birthday shopping trip. Which means that Taylor inherited one of my favorite old ones. So obviously we had to get a picture of all three of us in our new beanies.

The twins really stepped up the stupid this month. I sometimes wonder if they lay in bed at night and plan out all the ways they can baffle me. They have been as close as ever lately and are getting along fabulously, but man do they leave me scratching my head at times.

Myles thought it would be awesome to drive the police car into the bucket while the bucket was on it's side. Then, istead of crawling out, he insisted that Jack try to pull him AND the car out at the same time. This went on for 5 minutes before I finally got impatient and tried to pull him out myself.
They take turns "sitting on each other's feet" but then they get mad when the one doing the sitting farts.
On Thanksgiving Day we went to my mom and dad's house and enjoyed a very chill dinner and then lounged around. Kendrick was able to open his presents that day and he hit the jackpot. My mom got him some really nice work shirts and he looks great in them.

Before we left for Park City, Kendrick's office threw him and another co-worker a Birthday party and for some reason they thought this would be an awesome picture. I forgot why they are holding the cans of whip cream. I don't know if I dare ask...

Kendrick and Phillip
The cake
Cha Cha is really a moody little thing. She can't handle the T.V. The dog show on Thanksgiving just about gave her an anxiety attack. She hates it when Kendrick and I watch The Walking Dead, and she really has a beef with most Disney cartoons. She snorts at you when she is thirsty, hungry, cold or tired. Yes, tired. And when she is tired she will try to make a nest out of whatever you leave on the floor. Easton grew tired of Cha Cha's moodiness one day and decided he wants her to "go back to live with Satan!!" Just look at this face though, does that look like the face of a devil dog?

Myles "drained his teacher's energy" (see Love and Logic) and she asked him to write down one way that he could help refill it. This was what he wrote:

"I'm sorry for not following Fish expectations. I don't know what to do. You can choose. Love, Myles"

The twins got to break the wish bone the day after Thanksgiving. Myles got the bigger side.

We put up our tree!

We decided to venture out and see what Black Friday was all about at about 5:00 that evening and the two stores we went to weren't all that bad...until you got to the light section. Why do we all wait to put our lights up on the same day? Most of Sandy put their lights up the day after Thanksgiving. Maybe there was a city wide memo sent out that I didn't see because we had the hardest time finding C9 lights for our bushes. Anyone else struggle finding lights after Thanksgiving? Even though we didn't find the right lights, we did find this cute little guy THE PERFECT Santa hat...

This kid refuses to eat dinner. That is all.

Overall I'd say our November was wonderful. We did a lot of fun things and I just kept thinking about how grateful I am that Kendrick has a job this year. Last November Kendrick was laid off. The November before that we made a grand total of $500 dollars and we had to live off of that for an entire month. I am grateful that those troubles are behind us this year. Yes, we now have a whole new set of troubles to deal with, but at least now we have the gift of hindsight and faith to know that things can always get better.

So bring on December!!!