December 5, 2013

Family Portraits 2013

Once I saw the darling pictures that our friend, Jenn takes (see our Bear Lake 2013 post) I knew that I wanted her to take our family photos. Problem was, I needed to get my highlights done. Then I was broke because of 5 family Birthdays in the month of September. Then October turned crazy. Then I needed my highlights done again...
But I didn't get them done (as you can CLEARLY see in these pictures) and we were not able to get our pictures taken until November. Freezing butt cold November. The month of the first snow fall. November in Utah is funny because one weekend it will be snowing and the next weekend it will be sunny and warm and you would never guess it was almost Christmas time. Our picture appointment fell on the snowy and cold weekend. AND to make matters...more interesting...our boys were sick. Like hacking coughs and runny noses sick. I felt like the world's worst mom for taking them out in the cold to get their pictures taken. But I will say that their colds gave them a very shimmery eyed, whimsical look.

Jenn did an awesome job and got us through the photo session as quickly as she could. We stuck fairly close and just had these taken at Memory Grove. You really can't go wrong with pictures at Memory Grove. I think the best part of the whole experience (aside from the gorgeous finished product of my kiddos) was that we all went to The Red Iguana afterward as a reward for braving the cold. That part was DIVINE! And it was fun to hang out with The Bryner Family. Jenn, thank you so much for these! I love them.

My new favorite picture of our kids. I want it on a BIG old plaque for our house.

The boys

This girl LOVES having her picture taken. She can be throwing the biggest fit and be being the biggest brat and that will all change when you pull out a camera. It's both a good and bad thing. I will say that she rarely takes a bad picture...




The Family

Tay and I

Kendrick and the boys

The boys and I

Kendrick and Tay