December 31, 2012

Best of 2012

2012 was awesome all around. Here are some of the highlights (and most memorable moments) of our year:

After weeks of searching, a failed attempt to rent from friends, and a lot of prayers, we finally found a house to rent that is closer to Kendrick's work, my parents and in an excellent school district. Oh, and that is $650 a month cheaper than our old house!!!

Taylor started at a new school that has half the student body of her old school and not only adjusted remarkably fast by making friends and falling in love with her teacher, but she went on to ACE the class Spelling Bee and win the 2nd Grade Citizenship award!

The twins both learned to ride a two wheeler in a manner of minutes and I was able to capture one of the coolest pictures I've ever taken...

The mommy/daddy dates began and we were able to take each of our kids to do several fun things:

Easton started it all off with a trip to see Toy Story on Ice

The twins chose Planet Play

 AndTaylor chose Mexican food and a movie

Easton chose Pizza and Swimming with Zaney. And then because of summertime, the mommy/daddy dates had to be put on hold.

Taylor turned 8!!!

Jack and Myles turned 6!!!

Easton turned 3!!!

Kendrick was able to cross driving one of these off his bucket list...

Taylor got her first shiner and was proud of it!

This cute couple celebrated 9 years of marriage!

Myles scared us all to death by crashing on his scooter and breaking his collar bone.

We were thrilled when, after a few weeks of living here we discovered that we live across the street from identical twin girls who are only a month older than our twins!

Our cousin, Alex returned from an honorable 2 year mission in Brazil and we were able to welcome him home at the airport.

 Taylor chose to be baptized.

We bought 4 new frogs! And even though I managed to kill two of them after a few weeks-the other two have now been with us for a few months and seem to be thriving.

We took a family vacation to Eden and had a blast!

Kendrick and I ran our first 5k together and decided it is our 2nd favorite date activity...

our first favorite is attending concerts. We were able to see Neon Trees and Foster the People this year and loved them both!

 These guys came to see us...

I turned 30 and lived to tell about it.

These two started Kindergarten and it nearly broke my heart.

And lastly (although it happened at the beginning of the year): my life got infinitely better when Easton decided to start being a big boy and was potty trained. To celebrate, we did a farewell diaper dance and then put the remainder of Easton's diapers in a bag and handed them down to baby Dex. Yay for not having to buy diapers anymore!!

We also made several new friends, lost some teeth, lost some weight, attended the Temple more than we ever have in years past, Kendrick went to Orlando, Chicago and Dallas for his job, my brother, Richard finished school, our good friend, Heidi went through the Temple for the first time, our nephew, Paxton left on his mission, and to finish off the year Kendrick landed a new, higher paying job! 2012 was so good to us. But I'm not sad at all to see it go. Bring on 2013!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!