September 6, 2016

Back to School

School started for all of our kids on August 22nd. I do believe this was the first year that we have ever had school start on a Monday. It was kind of weird. I felt like it made our weekend feel shorter and more restricted.

Tay restarted Junior High. So far I love her knew Junior High. If you ask her, she will tell you that she doesn't love it and that it's not as nice as her last Junior High. But the truth is: she has been a thousand times happier since school started! She is always up and at 'em and to the bus on time without any prompting from me and she usually comes home in a good mood. So I feel fairly confident that she is not as scarred for life as she'd have everyone believe over having to switch schools.

Jack had some self inflicted "rough" first few days of school. He was put on a table of all girls and one of them chose to show her affection towards him by picking on him. He let it bother him way more than he should have. And if you ask him now he will tell you that that girl is actually really nice and she doesn't bother him at all anymore. I don't know what it is about Jack, but he is hands down the most sensitive kid I have EVER known. Which can be both a blessing and a curse I suppose...

Myles pretty much counted down the days until school started all summer long and has loved every day that he has been back. He once again made the goal to not miss a single day of school this year and he seems determined to reach it. I have no idea where he gets his love of school and learning from. Kendrick and I never loved school that much.

Easton is funny about school. He is a smart boy and a good student but he threatens me nearly every night by telling me that he's not going to school the next day. Usually it's over something silly like his brother taking the Lego he wanted, or me not letting him play video games long enough. I swear it feels like his goal is to make his brothers as late as possible for school at least 3 days a week (FYI-we have late start school and the boys have not been marked tardy once). He is a really good reader but he pitches a fit about reading any longer than 10 minutes each day. And he is the kind of kid that can't seem to focus on his homework the night before it's due and will stew over 3 problems for an hour, acting like he doesn't know what he's looking at. But then if you hand him his homework and a pencil 20 minutes before school starts all of a sudden he is a freaking genius who can bust out a homework sheet in less than 5 minutes and get every problem right. I love him to death but this kid's approach to learning and schoolwork stresses me out.

Mom and Dad will miss the long summer nights, sleeping in, and no homework. But other than that-school starting has been such a blessing. I am enjoying having my mornings free to go walk the trail with Layla, getting the house all the way clean, meeting friends for hikes or lunch, and Kendrick is pretty much always happy as long as I'm happy...
He's perfect that way!