September 6, 2016

3 mo old

Layla Campbell turned 3 months on August 30th

It's been 3 months of heaven with this little lady! Layla is a talker. She loves to coo and babble and laugh at us every day. She is a stinker when it comes to getting buckled into her car seat. But in her defense-her car seat has like zero padding so I finally had to break down and buy an insert for it. She still is a rockstar sleeper at night and once the kids went back to school I was able to get her into a napping routine too. 
~She LOVES her sleep sack. 
~She LOVES the rain and thunder sounds I have on my phone. Beach sounds-not so much. Rivers and streams-no. But rain and thunder...rain and thunder are her jam! Speaking of jams, her absolute favorite song is "The Wheels on The Bus". She loves the "up and down" part and we are able to get her best giggles out of that portion of the song. 
~She loves any activity that requires us to tote her around in the Baby Bjorn.
~She loves watching Sesame Street. I've tried The Wiggles and Baby Einstein and Cailou but none of those shows hold her attention quite like the hyper, high pitched puppets from the "the street".
~She loves the taste of her hands and often gags on them because she tries to stick both of them down her throat at once. When she isn't gagging on them she is making yummy sounds over them. It kind of makes me want to dip them in chocolate sauce so I can see her reaction.
This girl is just so much fun and we all love her so much. I am really enjoying having her to myself all day long while the big kids are at school.