April 1, 2016

BIG changes and now I should have more time...

This poor blog has been so neglected since I started working last fall. Between work and being pregnant/sick, the Holidays and then house hunting-we have just been busy and I have had literally no time to even open my laptop unless it's to do online banking or shopping. But hopefully all that will change now. Holidays are over, I'm not nauseous anymore, we will be moving into a new home next week and as of yesterday, I am done working. Maybe between the time we are finally settled into out new home and when Layla is due I can actually catch up on some posts...

Until then-here are some updates:

I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant and even though I would love to say that I can do this delivery all natural and just have my water break on it's own and actually have a spontaneous birth-I doubt I will let that happen. Which means my induction date will be the weekend of May 27th. I haven't been sick since about 22 weeks-yay! And my belly really has started popping out in the last month or so. So for those people who didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 months along and for those who don't live with me-this pregnancy has just flown by for them...or so I've been told. I'm sorry to any pregnant women I might have ever said that to.
Here are my belly pics. Since this is my LAST pregnancy I decided to embrace the belly and document it's growth. The only thing that doesn't keep me from crying when I look at these is knowing that there is a human child in there and not just Cafe Rio. Someday I will be skinny again...someday.

After 2 months of trying to get into home showings (inventory in Utah is low and houses can go under contract in a matter of hours after being listed) and vigorous online searches-we finally found a home in Cedar Hills that we are excited about. It wasn't our first choice to leave Sandy, but the fact of the matter is-we cannot afford the kind of home we want here. Everything in our area is old and overpriced. So we went to Utah County and found a home with amazing mountain views in a gorgeous, newer area and we are excited to be home owners again. I can now take pride in where we live again. I love where we live now but I haven't been super keen on inviting people over to see our house.  The kids are all very excited about this move. I don't think the reality of leaving people they love has hit them yet though. Today is their last day of school and I am expecting some meltdowns and tears when they come home. We have LOVED our elementary school. I don't know of a single teacher there that I don't like. I have loved everything about our experience at that school and honestly, the hardest part about moving (besides leaving our good friend's) is leaving that school. I was a bucket of tears yesterday as I cleaned out my cart and handed in my badge and key. I will miss that wonderful building and all those amazing teachers and sweet kids. I am tearing up just thinking about not being there 4 days a week anymore.

Our new home-

My brother and his sweet wife had their baby 7 1/2 weeks early. It was a scary ordeal for all of us but luckily Tiana and the baby are doing well. I'm so excited that I finally get to play auntie on a regular basis and my kids will finally have a cousin to see at Sunday dinners with the family. Scottie Jade is the cutest, sweetest little thing and already has such a spunky personality. We are all looking forward to her leaving the NI CU so we can love on her. Tiana has been amazing throughout this whole experience and I am just so proud to call her my sister in law. Having a preemie is tough, but she has been a trooper. I don't think I handled the twins being in the NI CU half as well as she is handling Scottie being there, and so far Scottie has been there 2 weeks longer than the twins were. This little lady is a HUGE blessing in all our lives...