June 24, 2015

Twelve Years!!!

Kendrick and I celebrate our 12 year Anniversary today! He is working. I'm home doing my thing. We'll go on a date tonight. But over the weekend we celebrated at Lava Hot Springs. It was the first time that we have ever left the kids in a different state. Seriously, it felt like a big deal. I wonder if we will ever feel comfortable leaving them and going to a different country...

We had a lot of fun on this little getaway. However, we talked about it afterward and decided that it wasn't our favorite getaway we've ever had...
Kendrick got hurt on our first run down the river, which was stressful and obviously very painful for him. We went down in a double tube and the water was so shallow that he hit his back (right where his spinal cyst is) on a big rock. As he moaned and tried not to cry the rest of the way down the river, he was too nervous to put his butt back in the tube, so the next big wave we went over knocked him off and into the very cold water. I wasn't about to go floating off without him so I jumped out too. In the chaos and strong waters, our tube (which had our flip flops, life jackets and my favorite cover up tied to it) floated away without us while we scrambled to climb up out of the rocky river (barefoot). We spent the rest of the day with Kendrick in bed, icing his back and me stressing over whether or not I should call his dr. Both of us have some pretty banged up feet. As ugly as water shoes are, they do serve a purpose. Lesson learned. We were both overly tired and emotional from a long week beforehand but that adventure just put us over the top. Tears were shed. We will probably have to attempt a do-over on this trip in the next few years. But that's the wonderful thing about being married for eternity to your best friend, right? We HAVE that luxury. And next time-we won't be tubing down the river. At all.

Here are just a few pictures from our weekend. The highlight for me was the couples massage followed by an amazing 4 course meal. I feel fairly confident that that was the highlight for Kendrick too...but the hot pools were awesome as well.

A two hour drive without kids! 
Ready to float the river...not as relaxing as it sounds. The family that took this picture was surprised to see us back and all muddy and upset after being gone for less than an hour. Oh, and that cute cover up I'm wearing in this picture is long gone. It was my favorite. Maybe some other time I will blog about having to walk through town barefoot and in just a bikini. It was sort of like living out that walking down the street naked dream that every one of us has had...
Good times!
Kendrick's meal. He claims this steak was better than the one he had at Ruth's Chris. The chef was amazing and everything we ate was so so good! I even tried the Salmon. 
So...we had massages and a big meal before this was taken. Needless to say we were VERY relaxed and I think that's why my face looks swollen in this photo. But K loves it, so here it is for the blog world to see.
Tried to get a selfie thinking that the swollen face situation would look better that way. 
Being silly. We felt rather goofy after such a big meal.

Now in all seriousness, when carving out a statue of a bull- how crucial is it that you capture the livelihood of said bull's backside and family jewels?  And how many people do you think stop to appreciate what the artist went through to get this end of the Bull just right?  This was me appreciating art.
Happy, Happy Anniversary Kendrick!! I love you MORE than you will ever know. Thanks for a very memorable weekend!