June 16, 2015


The first week in June was our last week of school. Both Taylor and Easton had little graduation ceremonies that week. Easton's was on Thursday, the 4th. Shockingly, I only shed one small tear during his whole graduation. I was so proud of myself! Especially considering how much I have LOVED having my boys in Kindergarten at this school. It has been such a pleasure for me to work with their Kindergarten teacher and on some level my heart is broken that she will never teach another child of mine. Big thanks to my mom who came to support our cute baby on his "big" day...

 Each student took a turn telling the parents their what they learned in Kindergarten. Most kids said, "I learned to do big math or read or use the art centers." But our cute boy said, "I learned to work well with others."

 His teacher's face cracks me up. I could tell she wasn't expecting that answer!

Taylor's graduation was the next day, on Friday June 5th. I really didn't expect that day to be hard. But it was. I cried when they played the slide show that had a recent photo and a baby photo of each student. And I teared up when I saw my sweet girl standing on stage crying as she held her "elementary diploma". Taylor is being separated from a lot of her friends and going to a different Middle School than most of them. She is excited about it, and it's what she wanted. And I do believe that it will be good for her even if it does make things slightly more inconvenient for us. But my heart broke for her as I remembered what it was like to graduate elementary school and leave the comfort of childhood friends. And my heart broke for myself a little too...because that's it for our baby girl, her Elementary school days are over. On the one hand-YAY! We made it. But on the other hand-Dang! The past 6 years went by way too fast. For the rest of that day, I found myself crying at random times and over random things. My heart just kind of ached. I think I am 10 times more scared about Taylor going to Middle School in August than she is. Kendrick was there but he had to take off after Tay got her diploma so we didn't get any pictures with him. Another big thanks to my mom and Tiffany for coming and supporting Miss Tay!