November 7, 2013

28 Days of Gratitude Day 7

Day 7-

I am grateful for my friend, Melanie. I met Miss Melanie in Florida. She scared the snot out of me the first few times I was around her because she is so strong willed and determined and she always speaks her mind. She can also get quite feisty. But we hit it off pretty quickly and I soon looked forward to my lazy afternoons of long chats and cookie dough with her- I owe my undying love of break 'n' bake cookie dough to Melanie. I admire how dedicated Melanie is to making her friendships last. She is loyal. Melanie never goes more than a month without calling me, even though she lives in South Carolina now. She is more up to date on my life than some of my friends who live here. She knows by the tone of my voice when she calls, what questions she needs to ask and what advice she needs to offer. I wish Melanie lived closer. I could spend hours talking to her. She doesn't judge. She makes me laugh and she keeps it real. You can always count on Melanie to give it to you straight. I admire that so much about her. I am not a phone person, in fact I'd go so far as to say that I hate talking on the phone, but Melanie makes it worth it. I look forward to and appreciate our conversations so much! Melanie, you have helped me through a lot of hard days. Thank you so much! I am grateful to know you!

Let's talk about how I have no recent photos of you, Melanie. That's stupid. We need to change that.