October 16, 2013

Classic Skating

Last night we were able to go roller skating for our school's family skate night. We have been getting flyers about these skate nights since Taylor first started school here and I've always thought skate night sounded fun, but also like a lot of work and expensive and honestly I was just too lazy to make the effort to get us there. This time I decided to just bite the bullet and go. I am trying to say yes to more things and take advantage of more opportunities and I figured if I can say yes to participating in a 2 hour long SCC meeting each month, I can say yes to roller skating with my family.

It was so much fun! I am glad we went. The kids are all at the perfect age where they could basically do what they wanted while Kendrick and I skated on our own. I haven't been on roller skates since I was a preschool teacher and Kendrick hadn't been on roller skates since before his mission. So we were both out of practice. Kendrick did awesome though and was going off of ramps and skating backwards and dancing. He only ALMOST biffed it once. And it was while I was turning around, laughing at him almost biffing it that I biffed it and fell on my arse. That was slightly embarrassing.

I am grateful that I am still young and healthy enough to get up on a pair of skates even though my butt and hamstrings are sore today. It was fun to watch the kids have fun with their friends, it was fun to watch Easton act like a big kid on his scooter, and it was even a little bit fun to hear Kendrick's stories about his glory days of skating and how back in the day "all the ladies loved him".