June 30, 2013

June Randoms

June was awesome, just as I had hoped it would be. We loved the end of the school year and we kicked off summer vacation with a camping trip. I started watching Tay's friend, Echo for some extra summer cash and we spent lots of quality time with the sun. We had a s'mores night in Debbie's backyard and enjoyed a hike up corner canyon. We started hanging out with Carissa and baby Allie more. We went to Eden and we celebrated Father's Day, Kendrick's and my Anniversary and Tay's 9th Birthday. It was a perfect month and I'm kind of sad to see it go.

Easton and Baby Allie at the park
Our Relief Society President invited me over for a lesson in container gardening and in her backyard she has a swimming pool that has never been swam in (by humans). They just never had time to clean it and get it up and running when they moved in 35 years ago so it just sits in the backyard and collects water. A few years ago her son thought it would be funny to put 3 goldfish in the pool and see what happens. Those 3 multiplied into 300!!! They just live in that pool all year long. They range in size from 1 inch to 12 inches and I guess hey just eat what they can find and live at the bottom of the pool in the winter. It was one of the most interesting things I have ever seen.
Part of our yard and sidewalk got tore up so the curbs could be fixed. It was cool on the first day but quickly got kind of obnoxious. I had construction workers living in my yard and I woke up a few mornings to the sound of concrete breaking.
We were able to watch Zane and Millie at the beginning of the month. Look how much little Millie has grown!
After we got back from camping Easton was obsessed with drawing pictures for "Mr. BUTTler"
Easton caught a cold while we were camping and two days after we got home he was rockin' a 103 degree fever. He was coughing and breathing heavy and was delirious. It was almost midnight so we ended up having Kendrick take him to the ER. Turns out he just had a bad cold. That is a medical bill I am not looking forward to seeing:(
He was so miserable. And he was hallucinating. He was staring right at me and he said, "Mom, tell Jack to take off those glasses" Jack was downstairs in bed so I said, "What glasses Easton?" and he goes, "don't buy him those glasses! Tell him to put them back!" That's when I knew his fever was getting the best of him so I took him outside to cool down and when we got out there and he saw the flashing lights on the barricades set up in front of our torn up sidewalk he said, "Those stars are hideous! Take me back inside!"
Our poor sick guy. When him and Kendrick finally got to come home it  was nearly 3 in the morning:(
Dex being a ball hog
Carissa and I painted Allie's crib Tiffany blue. I've never painted a crib so I was excited to give it a try. We antiqued it in black.
Each night I would go to bed with different treasures on my nightstand-whether it be a picture of me dressed as one of the 3 amigos or a star wars ship built just for me or dried up flowers that my boys picked from random neighbor's yards. It made me smile each night to crawl into bed next to my nightstand full of treasures.
On Father's Day Easton's teacher asked him some questions about Kendrick. Our favorite is the Question: How much do you love him? And Easton's answer was: 4. When  we asked Easton how much he loved me, he said: 14. Later that night when Easton asked Kendrick to help him with a puzzle Kendrick said, "I can't because you only love me a 4 and you love mommy a 14..." So Easton goes, "FINE! Your a 6. Now will you help me?"
We took a hike up Corner Canyon and were thrilled to find a new hiking trail close to home to venture up on weekend afternoons when we are bored. I have missed having a canyon close by to do that in FOR FREE. We used to hike up Yellow fork Canyon in Herriman.
I love that there is a few of the Draper temple from various points on the trail.
And check out this view!
Snow cone season!!! We have a new show shack within walking distance of our house and it makes me so happy!
K played in a golf tournament right before we left for Eden and this is the photo that he saved to my computer. He saved it under the name Stallion.
His team
Debbie and her kids went out of town at the end of the month so we had the "task" of watering their lawn and making sure their backyard got used. The kids enjoyed putting the sprinkler under the trampoline while they jumped and it was the perfect way to spend some 100+ degree afternoons. This is Echo, Taylor and Jack jumping.