May 30, 2013

Spring Baseball 2013-part one

The twins were signed up for baseball again this year. The older they get, the more I get into it and the less they seem to care about it. I would LOVE to be a baseball mom but I don't know if it's in the cards for me. The twins just weren't feeling it this year. They had fun. But they didn't get excited to play and they dreaded practicing at home.
I signed Kendrick up to be the coach and he was hands down, the best coach our kids have ever had. He was on top of it and on time each week. He knew everyone's name and he sent out reminder texts each game day telling everyone what time the game was at, which park it was at, and who had snack. I think the parents totally appreciated him being on the ball. I was the self proclaimed "assistant coach". I was in charge of lining the boys up and getting them ready to hit in a timely fashion, keeping peace in the dug out and helping corral the boys when we were in the outfield. I loved every minute of it. It was nice because being involved meant I didn't have to be bored on a bench or listen to Tay and Easton complain about being bored. They knew I had to help, so they left me alone and let me help coach while they entertained themselves. I would definitely help Kendrick coach again. This was an awesome chance for me to bond with my boys and learn more about baseball.