May 29, 2013

May Randoms

May. What can I say about May? Parts of it were great: I planted flowers and they lived more than a week...then the massive amount of rain we got killed them. We busted out the kiddie pool and the slip n side. I lost a few pounds courtesy Jillian Micheals. I helped Kendrick coach baseball. I started watching Dex less because his Dad's work schedule changed (that was a weird adjustment because he's become a part of our family). Tay had an egg drop at school and yet another field trip. The twins rocked their Kindergarten testing. Easton learned to ride a scooter (FINALLY!). We spent a day at the Zoo and enjoyed a perfect Memorial Day weekend. And Kendrick is trying to teach me to golf. I don't know that I will ever become a good golfer or even a patient one at that, but I am trying, so I give myself huge props for that.
I also got to have a girls night with Brooke and Elissa in May! Sometimes seeing those girls is like a breath of fresh air for me. They are so night and day different from me and we each have such different personalities, but they just get me. Brooke and Elissa have become two of my most loyal and trustworthy friends. I would say that my girls night with them was one of the highlights of my month. We did a makeshift "baby shower" for Elissa, and Brooke and I paid for her to have maternity photos taken by my sister in law, Tiana. Then we went out to dinner. I think Elissa's maternity photos turned out so cute that I had to steal some from Tiana's blog to share. I hope they will be a baby gift that Elissa cherishes for years to come. I know I'll cherish the memory of going with her to do them.
I'm hoping June will be so much fun. I have BIG expectations for June and this summer in general. I plan on sleeping in A LOT. I want to start running again. I want to plant more flowers. I want to do lots of camping trips and BBQ's and find a cute high waist retro bikini. Kendrick and I will be celebrating our first decade of marriage on the 24th and I am hoping we will figure out something super fun to do to celebrate. Tay will be 9 on the 28th. And both Elissa and Tristian will be having their babies in June. Sorry Tristian, I just moved up your due date, but I feel like Oliver really wants to be a June baby;) So hopefully with all that fun stuff going on, the June randoms post will kick butt and will provide the best random pictures of the year!

Egg drop

Tay was mad at me and didn't want her picture taken when I went to her egg drop.
Why they had the kids sit so close to the wall is beyond me-luckily no one got splattered with egg remnants.
Kendrick helped her cut a Nerf football in half and then place the egg in the middle and duct tape it back together. The egg survived the drop...
but it didn't survive Taylor's temper.
Elissa's Maternity Pictures


It was finally warm enough to bust out the kiddie pool!!
And Dex could have stayed in it for hours!
Dex spent many days at our house without any pants. It was just too warm for pants.
Dex at Jenn's house. He is quickly learning, as have all the other neighborhood children, that Jenn's house has the best toys.

Trying on shoes at the mall
This is what I see when I come down from a sit up. He makes a very cute personal trainer, don't you think?
Kendrick watched Dex while his parents closed on their new house and Dex was having a blast making marks all over the freshly cleaned glass.
One day he slept for over 3 hours. I had to take a picture to prove he was still alive.
Possible Christmas gift idea for Dex? Dex and a chocolate fountain sounds like a pretty entertaining combination to me.
Being such a big helper.

He was tired after a long day of personal training AND lawn work. Yeah, I put the kids I watch to work;)

Truly Random

The twins both elected to wear their sister's hair clips in their hair for "crazy hair day" at school. This was totally their idea and one they immediately regretted once they stepped foot on the playground. But it was one of those instances where I just had to shut my mouth, go with it and pray that it would end well. It ended with them being picked on:(
This is such a good book! It's supposed to be a quick read but I am having a hard time staying focused right now. This book points out behaviors I have that are hard to accept- I find myself putting it down and taking notes a lot. But it is so wonderfully written and has some very poignant advice for people who struggle with "keeping their emotions in check".
This is my dream swimsuit. It is $110 dollars on Etsy. And while I have spent almost that much on a swimsuit before, I don't know if I could justify doing so now, as a mom of 4 kids. But I love it, and if someone happened to get it for me as an Anniversary gift, I wouldn't be upset.
Speaking of upset, this is the result of me being upset-just in case any of you readers labor under the delusion that I am mild mannered or don't have a temper. I think this picture proves otherwise. It wasn't my finest moment.
Seriously!? Would you say "no" to that face?
Jack's "I can't sleep" stash that he keeps under his pillow. I discovered it when I was making his bed and when I asked him about it he told me, "sometimes I get bored when I sleep."
We busted out the slip n slide on one of our 80 degree days. Although, without the boogie boards it wasn't such a hit and no one wanted to use it. That's what I get for buying a slip n slide with boogie boards. Those darn boogie boards! Now my kids think the slip n side is broken when they aren't able to use a boogie board with it. I remember a time when we didn't have boogie boards to slide on-we just had to use our bellies.
Speaking of bellies, the twins look sickly in this picture. They were both cold and sucking in their bellies and man,  it grosses me out when they do that! Meanwhile, Easton, who was perfectly dry, just let his belly hang out.
Tay, Myles and Zoey
Super Easton!
Can we talk about how GROWN men like to dress their golf clubs up as animals? OR Darth Vader OR characters from The Family Guy? When did this become popular? I felt like I had stepped into an alternate reality when my husband asked which animal would look better on his driver.
The boys at Scheels.
Tay at Scheels.
Our weird child. Yeah, I can totally understand why you'd fall asleep on your dad's shoes-that looks so comfortable...not!
I love my little monkey!
Brooke's daughter, Savannah. She is so cute, I could just eat her up!!

Our date with the little guys

Kendrick took an afternoon off to take the little guys and I out to lunch.
Dex LOVED it.
This was his fortune.