July 14, 2016

1 month old

Miss Layla turned a month old on June 30th!!

At one month old Layla is a spunky baby who loves to eat and LOVES the men in her life. Her biggest smiles have been for her brothers and Kendrick. She lights up when she sees them. Especially Myles. There is something about that boy (who incidentally was the least excited for her to get here-he would have preferred to go on a cruise-remember that?) that makes Layla positively giddy. She was my smallest full term baby and she has stayed smaller longer than all the other babies. But she is a great sleeper and from the first night home she's been doing 5-8 hour stretches at night. She loves being swaddled and loves her baths. I think she is going to grow up believing that Eric Clapton's song, Layla is truely about her, because her siblings insist on listening to it every single time we have music playing. She has already rolled from belly to back numerous times and each time her cheering section declares that she is the smartest, strongest and cutest baby alive so I will be shocked if she doesn't grow up with a very healthy self esteem. We love our Layla Campbell!