January 27, 2015

Star Student

I LOVE my kids' school! I love the teachers, the office staff, I've even begun to love the principal (who was new to the school last year and made me nervous after the first few interactions I had with her, but now I think she is just a sweetheart).
My kids come home at least once a week with a new goal they've set or passed off. It's awesome to hear them so excited about reaching their goals. And really, how rewarding is it for them to be learning the importance of setting and achieving goals? At the first Parent Teacher Conference this year Taylor made some goals. She was super overwhelmed by them and it was a pretty emotional PTC for her. If I'm being honest, I was overwhelmed for her. The poor thing just has a hard time focusing so she has always struggled with reading. I credit her super patient teacher for encouraging her, seeing the best in her, and being chill about the little things because she has helped Taylor achieve all the goals she set for herself. I was super happy to receive a phone call from the office the first week in January telling me that Taylor had won the Star Student award in her class and would be recognized in an assembly at school. It was the perfect ending to a great week for Miss Tay. That same week I had challenged her to finish a novel in 4 days and write me a book report on it. So she read Anne of Green Gables in 3 days and wrote me a book report on it. I was so proud. That is a huge deal for my girl who doesn't love to read and hates writing even more.
Kendrick was able to come with me and together we surprised Tay at her assembly. She was funny about it and assumed we were there to see one of her brother's win the Star Student. It was cute to see the look on her face when they passed both Kindergarten and 2nd Grade and none of her brothers won.
We are so proud of her!