December 7, 2014

Jack's reflections entry

In September all of our kids brought home an obnoxious pile of Reflections entry forms and rules and I got ready to do what I always do, throw them in the trash. Because I am awesome and super supportive like that.
Actually, let's be fair, none of the kids have ever expressed any interest in participating in Reflections before so I felt safe in assuming they wouldn't want to this year either.
But before I could even gather up all the papers, Jack informed me that he WANTED to enter the Reflections contest and that he knew exactly what he wanted to do: he wanted to type a story on the computer. The theme this year was The World Would Be a Better Place If...
I thought for sure he would write something like, "The world would be a better place if we had all day recess" or "The world would be a better place if Slurpees were free..."
But no. Instead our sweet, sensitive boy wrote this...

The World Would Be A Better Place If...

I think the world would be a better place if everyone had a twin. Being a twin is fun. Sometimes it is hard. Being a twin is helpful he or she can help clean your room if you share one. When people ask which one is taller I say my brother Myles because he is taller than me. A story I want to tell you about is when we were babies we used to change each others diapers sometimes. When we go to water parks my brother is too scared to go in three feet and four inches. So I have to be pretend to be scared too. My brother sometimes embarrasses me at school. One of my favorite things about being a twin is that you have the same birthday. My brother and I are always together we have the same friends. We like to play on our friends tramp and play avengers games. Another thing we like to do is play battleship. Some things that are cool about being a twins is that we get to play board games together, we like to build Lego stuff together, we get to ride bikes together and be in the same class at school. I like sharing a room with my brother because at night I have someone to talk to. I like having a twin because I have a friend on the first day of school I can play with at recess. I think the world would be a better place if everyone had a twin because you can share clothes then you don’t have to buy a lot of clothes. When you have a twin you don’t feel lonely at recess, because you know you can play with your twin and he will include you. And the house you buy doesn’t have to be so big because twins can share a room. I like being a twin. I think the world would be a better place if everyone had a best friend and being a twin is like being a best friend.

Jackson Martinez

I don't know why, but I was so surprised when he asked me to check his spelling and I discovered what he had written. It took him about a week to complete this. He was a perfectionist and kept re-doing it. It took about 4 days for him to finally show me what he was writing. Jack is a very bright boy and gets good grades but this essay was still pretty impressive to me. The essay had to be written in his own words so I couldn't go through and fix grammar or punctuation. And that was hard. But I was excited about the way he expressed himself through his writing. Since writing this Jack has expressed interest in being a writer and someday writing a book. At 8 years old that seems pretty ambitious to me. I was 28 before I thought I might want to be a writer. And I am not nearly as brave as my cute boy so let's be honest, this momma will probably never be a published writer. And that's okay. Because I am one proud momma. Way to go Jack!!

He also entered a painting entitled,
"Best Friends"