November 14, 2013

28 Days of Gratitude Day 14

Day 14

I am grateful for Kendrick. I struggled with where to put him in this Gratitude post mix. He should have been number one, but I didn't want to do these posts in order of how much I love people, for fear that people would play the "compare"  game and get their feelings hurt. So I tried to mix these up the best I could. Then I thought about doing his post on his Birthday, which is on the 27th. But I don't think I can wait that long! I love Kendrick more than anyone. He is the best part of each of my days. I feel lucky and honored to be his wife. I am astounded that he has stuck by me all these years. I love that after 11 years together, I still crumble when he goes out of town. And I love that after 11 years together, he still gives me butterflies. I appreciate how hard he has always worked. Whether it has been in a job he has hated or loved, he has always gotten the job done. In this crappy economy and with things the way they are these days, I see a lot of husbands slack off. Kendrick never has. I am so proud of him for that. Also, Kendrick has the ability to make me feel like the most amazing and beautiful person in his world. I love the confidence that being his wife gives me. And I love that we are still in love. He really makes being married so much fun. He sure has this 'being a good husband and good father' business down! I love you Kendrick.